Internal Audit Services
Internal auditing provides an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of the functions of a company, with an objective evaluation of the company’s financial condition. Qualified and experienced professionals carry out the internal audit services by Hegal, and these services are based on a comprehensive, validated methodology.
External Audit Services
External audit services examine all of a company’s financial books and can be considered the most crucial audit for a company. It is all about giving an opinion on the Financial Statements of an entity. The concerns raised by the auditor in the opinion section of the report should be answered by the company management to the shareholders during the meeting
Statutory Audit Services
There are mostly three types of Audit that are available to a business. Statutory Audit is one of them and a kind of Audit that is mandated by the law of the jurisdiction of the statutes of the place. This Audit will help the government ensure that all the information about the financial status of the company are correct or not.
Here are some of the questions explained as to what statutory Audit is and how it can help in increasing the profitability of a business.
Due Diligence Audit Services
While conducting a business, the management should take special care not to make any mistakes. These mistakes, however small, can lead to big problems and even bigger penalties down the line. Here we will try to explain why Due Diligence Audit is required by a company and how it can benefit the business.
Company Liquidation Services
Setting up a company in the United Arab Emirates can be a very rewarding experience but for many people in business, this experience will not last long as they will have to close down the business due to some reason. It is very important for the management of the company to understand the threat of closing down a business is also an important part of the business as it may lead to various penalties.
Risk Management Services
Every person in business faces risk in some way or the other. The way the risk is handled has a huge bearing on the present as well as the future of the company. Here we will talk about how risk management is an essential service that needs to be followed by every business and how it can provide a benefit to your business.
Fraud Investigation Audit Services
In the recent past, there has been a substantial increase in the number of businesses coming into the Middle East. With the increase in businesses, there has also been a substantial increase in business fraud. This fraud has the potential to make or break the business. This is why the management of companies should take special care to conduct Fraud Investigation Audit Services.
Regulatory Compliance Services
In today’s world, there is huge stress given on the Compliance of rules and regulations all over the world and following the rules and regulations in the Middle East is crucial. Without following these regulations, the company can face huge penalties, and there is a chance that they might have to shut down. It is also to be kept in mind that each of the emirates in the United Arab Emirates has its own rules, so it is very important for businesses to stay updated with the present rules and regulations of the country.